Best News APIs of 2024

Use the comparison tool below to compare the top News APIs on the market. You can filter results by user reviews, pricing, features, platform, region, support options, integrations, and more.

  • 1 Reviews

    Bytesview Analytics

    $99.99 is a data analysis tool that allows you to search, collect, and track worldwide news in real-time. It stands out among the sea of news APIs available. News API is the backbone for businesses, scholars, and researchers that thrive on a continuous stream of real-time data. Technology is affecting our lives deeply and we must always be connected to the internet. photos are here to help. Features: • Sources: Data extraction comes from thousands of reliable sources, ranging from 121+ countries. • Languages: The data can be tracked in 62 languages. • Download: You can download the data for future reference in JSON or CSV format. • Accessibility: is available in a variety of paid subscription plans and as a free news API.
  • 2
    Social Animal Reviews

    Social Animal

    Social Animal

    $41 per month
    Social Animal is the Swiss army knife of content marketing. Analyze and find the best content on any topic or competitor. Find influencers that can increase your content's reach. Social Animal's Deep Insights is unlike anything else. You can see detailed analysis of the performance of any keyword once it is published. You can get a complete year's worth analysis for any keyword. Manually search for keywords and set up keywords to find relevant content. We'll then send you the top performing content for those keywords within 24 hours right to your inbox. Our Influencer Search algorithm will help you find real and relevant influencers related to keywords you care about. You will also find top authors. You can also view articles they wrote or influenced to be shared.
  • 3
    Event Registry Reviews

    Event Registry

    Event Registry

    $40 per month
    Event Registry is the leading news intelligence platform in the world. It empowers organizations to keep track and analyze the impact of world events. Our platform analyzes and structures global news to help your organization make quick, accurate and smart decisions. Our platform allows you to search, summarize, and visualize news content and events that interest you. Access news and blog content from over 150,000 different sources worldwide. Advanced filtering allows you to find the information that you are looking for by keywords, tags and categories, sentiment, location, and more. Track competitors, campaigns, clients, and the latest news in your industry. To better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, you can track their activity. AI is used to enrich the content we have collected by identifying entities, assigning sentiment, and other properties. To reduce content overload, we can even organize news content into events.
  • 4
    Newslit Reviews



    $39 per month
    Newslit allows you to easily monitor the internet for breaking news headlines, interesting new content, and other relevant information. This will help you to focus on your industry, competitors, and brands for accurate market research. Newslit monitors over 100K news sources and social signal to ensure you only receive the stories that are important to you. Newslit continually tracks over 100,000 online sources, and bundles them into an easy-to-read reading experience. Select your topic of interest, then type in the keywords that are relevant to it. We will create your digestible News brief. To refine your search, add words to make it more specific. To provide you with the most relevant content, we monitor more than 100,000+ reliable sources every day. You can get the latest news wherever you are! Our integration tools allow you to share your content from anywhere. Get daily news-briefings by email with the most recent news on your topic.
  • 5
    News API Reviews

    News API

    News API

    $449 per month
    Our JSON API allows you to search worldwide news using code. You can also locate articles and the latest news headlines from news sources across the internet. News API is an easy-to-use REST API which returns JSON search results for historical and current news articles from over 80,000 global sources. Search through hundreds of millions articles in 14 languages, from 55 countries. You can either get JSON results using simple HTTP GET requests or one of the SDKs in your language. Jump right into a trial if you're in development. You don't need a credit card. For exact-match, search with single keywords or include complete phrases in quotation marks. To remove irrelevant results, you can specify words that must appear in articles and words that should not. Enter the domain name of the publisher to limit your search results to one publisher. Search through millions upon millions of articles from more than 80,000 news sources and blogs.
  • 6
    mediastack Reviews



    $24.99 per month
    Scalable JSON API that delivers worldwide news, headlines, and blog articles in real time. Access live news data feeds to discover trends and headlines, monitor brands, and access the most recent news events from around the globe. Access structured and readable news data, from thousands of international news blogs and publishers, updated as often a minute. Our REST API is built on scalable apilayer cloud infrastructure. It delivers news results in lightweight, easy-to-use JSON format. You don't need a credit card to sign up for the free plan. Once you have your API key, you can start implementing news data in your application. Fully automated and updated every minute, feed the most recent news articles to your website or application. News publishers can be unpredictable, dynamic, and difficult to track. Our easy-to-implement RESTAPI will allow you to retrieve any type of news information, delivered on a silver plate.
  • 7
    Bing News Search API Reviews

    Bing News Search API


    $7 per 1,000 transactions
    Search the web for news articles using Bing News Search API version 7. The results include information such as the authoritative image, related news and categories and provider info. Article URL and date added. The API v7 allows you to discover new filtering and sorting options that make it easier to find specific results in popular news topics. Your app or website can be turned into a news search tool. You can customize trending news by region and category. You can categorize news searches according to topics like politics, sports, or the entire world. The Bing Statistics addin will help you make strategic decisions. Quickly access statistics such as top queries, call volume and market distribution, summary of response codes, and many other information. Microsoft Bing Commerce can help you optimize your retail search. To learn more about machine learning and AI-driven searches, request a consultation. You can use location-aware search to find relevant information from billions upon billions of web pages.
  • 8
    News API by Contify Reviews
    Contify News API aggregates, deduplicates, and tag company information into a steady stream of noise-free, structured, machine-readable business and industry-relevant news delivered through RESTful APIs, Webhooks, and RSS feeds helping you enrich your applications. Contify News API provides noise-free, structured, and machine-readable data feeds with tailored endpoints to resonate with your unique business objectives. Information is aggregated from over 500,000 sources including online news, company websites, social media and custom sources like regulatory portals, review websites, job boards and others. News API can be integrated into your apps, intranet portals, ERP, CRM, or KMS, helping you to : • Drive a market and competitive intelligence program • Create new features or launch a new product leveraging personalized market and competitive intelligence • Power your analytics program with raw data to surface industry insights and trends relevant to your business • Train your Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models with high-quality business news datasets
  • 9
    AYLIEN Reviews
    Transform world news into real-time insight for business. News is essential information for organizations. The global volume of information is overwhelming. This can lead to missed events, misinformed decision-making, and ineffective processes.
  • 10
    Usearch Reviews
    Usearch's web search engine is entirely built from AI-generated data. It eliminates the need for users to provide data such as search queries that can be bootstrapped and improved. Its innovative technology generates synthetic data that is identical with real users' data. This makes it accurate, scalable and independent, as well as private. Large-scale custom web search engines can be built. You can create your own customized, topical, or domain-specific web search engine. This could be a finance search engine or news search engine. A simple API call can enrich your app or website by integrating data and content from billions upon billions of websites, news articles, and images. In minutes, integrate advanced search capabilities. Find the most relevant sites to your query by extracting the key keywords.
  • 11 Reviews finally delivers web information to machines in the way that they need it. This allows companies to convert web data into customer value. connects directly to your platform and provides a steady stream machine-readable data. All the data, on demand. Machines can immediately access historical and live data stored in repositories and start consuming it immediately. converts unstructured web data into structured, readable JSON or XML formats that machines can understand. With real-time monitoring of millions upon millions of news sites, reviews, and online discussions, you will never miss a trend, mention, or story. You can keep an eye on cyber threats by monitoring suspicious activity across the web, from the deepest to darkest. You can fully protect your digital assets and physical assets with a continuous, real-time feed that shows all possible risks.
  • 12
    NewsCatcher Reviews



    $399 per month
    NewsCatcher's News API allows you to search for multi-language news articles from around the world. Our algorithms parse over a million news articles per day. NewsCatcher News API allows you to access any language and any country's news articles. More than 6,000 developers use our APIs worldwide. You only need the relevant data, no noise. We offer over 15 filters to help you narrow down your search query. We deliver our data in a structured JSON format. Or, as a complete data dump. SDKs, tutorials and guides, blog posts, code fragments, Postman workspace, and so on. We aggregate news from more than 60,000 news sites. Each day, we receive up to 1,500,000 news articles. By adding industry-specific news sites, we can achieve industry-level coverage. Enterprise clients have full access to all metadata for news articles. Our News API covers multi-language worldwide news. You can search for news articles by any topic, country language, website or keyword.
  • 13
    Connexun Reviews



    $9.99 per month
    B.I.R.B.AL. is our proprietary artificial intelligence engine. It was trained using a database of over a million articles in different language languages and applying state-of-the-art models of Natural Language Processing. B.I.R.B.AL. uses machine learning to classify news, extract-based summarization, news topics ranking, and interlanguage clustering. B.I.R.B.AL. Deep Learning uses both supervised and unsupervised machine-learning algorithms. Our artificial intelligence allows you to go beyond online content monitoring and predict the most important topics on the internet. You can gain strategic insights by studying large amounts of data and information. Rich web data sets can help you expand your financial analysis. Use structured web data to improve your predictive analytics and risk modeling and understand performance trends using a new instrument.
  • 14
    The New York Times API Reviews
    Our APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), allow you to programmatically access New York Times data in your own applications. Our goal is to allow for a wide variety of uses, including complex visualizations and custom link lists. Why read the news when you could hack it? NYT currently offers ten APIs: archive, article search and books. Our APIs were created for web developers, but any non-commercial user is welcome. We hope to encourage collaboration, as we do with many other organizations. We learn more about our readers and gain insight into the possibilities of news and information by working with you to build apps, create mashups and reveal the potential of our data. We hope you will show us what the future holds for The Times. Our APIs are resource-oriented and use a RESTful design. HTTPS requests are used to make calls.
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News APIs Overview

News APIs are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to access and use news data from a variety of news sources. An API is essentially a set of instructions, commands, or protocols for connecting to an application or web service and requesting information from it. By using a News API, developers can access the latest news stories from sources around the world in near real-time and incorporate them into their own applications or websites.

When using a News API, you can search for news by topic, keyword, author, publication date, language, region, country or other criteria. You can also select which parts of the article you want to include (i.e., headline text only, full article body text). Depending on the specific provider you choose, you may be able to filter results further by source type such as newspaper title or website URL. Additionally some providers provide additional sorting options such as most recent stories first.

Most News APIs require either an API key or token that must be included with each request in order to authenticate the user’s identity and authorize them to make requests via the API interface. Additionally users should be aware that different providers may have different terms of use regarding how content accessed via their API may be used in applications or websites where they are displayed. It is important to check with the provider before using their services in any way that goes beyond what is allowed according to their terms of use.

Overall News APIs offer developers easy access to up-to-date news stories from around the world without having to manually collect articles from multiple sources themselves. This makes it much easier for developers who need quick access to current news stories as part of their application development process without having to do intensive research on each piece individually every time they need new material.

Why Use News APIs?

  1. News APIs are cost-effective and easy to use as they provide access to an extensive range of sources for news updates.
  2. They offer real-time information, enabling users to stay up-to-date on the latest events and developments taking place in the world or within their field of interest.
  3. News APIs allow you to customize your feeds by creating filters, enabling you to obtain only relevant news items and save time while searching through irrelevant chatter.
  4. Moreover, they facilitate automated monitoring of specific topics or keywords, allowing users to track industry trends and get timely notifications when new material related to that topic appears online.
  5. By leveraging this technology, organizations can also quickly identify potential opportunities before their competitors do and take appropriate actions accordingly.

The Importance of News APIs

News APIs are an important part of how news and other content is distributed online. With the growth of the internet, there has been an influx of digital media outlets, making it increasingly difficult to find and stay updated on relevant news topics. This is where news APIs come in. A news API allows developers to quickly access news data from a variety of sources and display them in a concise format that works in any application or website.

Having this automated system saves time, energy and money because instead of manually looking for stories on multiple sites, journalists can use one API which brings all stories directly to them without having to search through several databases at once. Furthermore, it allows developers quick access to content from specific sources like magazines or niche platforms which may not be easily accessible by the general public. Having these diverse sources aggregated together can create more visibility for lesser-known publications while simultaneously giving readers more options when it comes to selecting their news source.

Moreover, most reputable API services offer their clients with real-time updates which makes sure readers have accurate information regarding breaking stories as soon as they happen. Additionally, since the API calls are automated these notifications help streamline content delivery for those who rely on timely updates when it comes to staying informed about current events or industry trends.

In conclusion, News APIs provide both publishers and consumers alike with easier access to data which leads to better distribution of content across multiple formats while also providing insights into what type of topics people are interested in reading about online as well as what kind of filters they may need so they receive only the most relevant information based on their individual preferences.

Features Offered by News APIs

  1. Searchable Headlines: News APIs provide access to an ever-growing index of news articles and headlines from around the world. This allows users to search for stories by keyword or topic, making it easy to find relevant content quickly and efficiently.
  2. Category Filtering: Many news APIs allow users to filter articles by category, so that they can find content related only to specific topics such as politics, science and technology, sports, entertainment etc.
  3. Faceted Searching: By using faceted searching features provided by news APIs, users can narrow down results in more intricate detail than a basic keyword search would allow them to do. Parameters such as date range, language and country of origin can be used as filters in order to further refine search results.
  4. Automated Alerts: As a convenient feature of many news APIs, automated alerts are available which will notify users when new articles are posted on their chosen topics which match the criteria they have specified in their alert settings (i.e location).
  5. Syndication & Sharing Tools: News APIs make it easy for developers and publishers to syndicate content from any number of sources onto various platforms and websites; this allows for consolidated content discovery with minimal effort required from end users as well as allowing for easier sharing on social media networks like Facebook or Twitter etc.

What Types of Users Can Benefit From News APIs?

  • Journalists and Media Outlets: News APIs give media outlets access to a host of up-to-date information, allowing them to create content quickly and accurately.
  • Researchers: By gathering data from news APIs, researchers can use the information to conduct statistical analysis or develop research papers and projects.
  • Businesses: Companies can use the data that news APIs provide in order to identify trends, measure customer sentiment and monitor competitors’ moves.
  • Financial Institutions: With news APIs, financial institutions are able to keep track of market shifts, analyze stocks and develop predictive models for investments.
  • Governmental Organizations: Governments can access real-time information through news APIs in order to make decisions about public policy or craft legislation more quickly.
  • Educators & Students: Educators can use news API data when teaching their students about current events or introducing concepts from their subject areas, such as economics or politics. This can help give them a better understanding of the world around them.

How Much Do News APIs Cost?

The cost of news APIs vary depending on the API, usage and features. Some offer free access to data while others may require subscription fees. Generally, pricing models are based on either a Pay As You Go or Flat Rate model, allowing for a variety of options when it comes to budgeting. The Pay As You Go model may include a fee per API call, with no upfront commitment or monthly limit; this is generally flexible and allows users to only pay for what they need. The Flat Rate model may require an upfront subscription fee but potentially offers more expansive data sets for a lower unit cost than the Pay As You Go model. Additionally, there may be promotion discounts available from some providers that allow you to reduce your overall costs even further. It's important that you understand all your options before selecting a particular API solution - weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of each method can help ensure that you get the best value for money possible when choosing an API provider.

Risks To Be Aware of Regarding News APIs

  • Security risks: News API providers may not have adequate security measures in place, which can leave user data vulnerable to malicious parties.
  • Data accuracy and integrity risks: News API providers may not be able to provide accurate information or keep their data up-to-date, which could lead to incorrect reporting.
  • Reliability risks: Some suppliers may have unreliable APIs that are prone to outages and other issues, which can lead to an interruption of the service or inaccurate results.
  • Regulatory risks: Depending on the country, there may be restrictions around what type of content can be pulled from a given API provider or sent across certain networks.Breaking any regulations could result in legal action or fines.

Types of Software That News APIs Integrate With

Software that can integrate with news APIs includes web applications, mobile apps, content management systems, and custom software development. Web applications use APIs to get access to content from a variety of sources such as newspapers, magazines, social media networks, and more. Mobile apps use the API to show relevant news stories in their apps or provide users with breaking news notifications. Content management systems leverage APIs to add content from external sources into their websites or blogs. Lastly, custom software development can be used to create complex integrations between multiple data sources including news APIs.

Questions To Ask Related To News APIs

  1. Does the API deliver content from reliable sources? It is essential to ensure you are receiving accurate information from trustworthy publications.
  2. How often does the API update its content? Having an up-to-date library of stories is critical for staying current with news and events.
  3. What type of media does the API provide access to? Different providers may offer different types of media such as videos, images and audio files in addition to text articles.
  4. Are there any additional fees associated with usage? Make sure you understand all possible costs that might incur when subscribing or utilizing services offered by the API provider.
  5. Is there technical or customer support available if needed? Getting assistance quickly can be very beneficial when setting up and running a project powered by a particular news API service.