MoxiEngage Description

Agents get 54% more business on average.

A CRM can help you grow your business by keeping you organized, increasing productivity, and strengthening your relationships by focusing first on your spheres of influence.

MoxiEngage was designed for real estate agents. It fits in with the way you do business. Contacts are synced between MoxiEngage devices and your devices. Lead nurturing and sales flow zones make it easy to segment and monitor your business. A robust goal setting structure makes agents 54% more productive.


Reviews - 2 Verified Reviews


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Product Details

Type of Training
Customer Support
Phone Support

MoxiEngage Features and Options

Real Estate CRM Software

Campaign Management
Client / Property Matching
Contact Management
Email Marketing
Interaction Tracking
Lead Management
Property Alerts
Referral Tracking

MoxiEngage User Reviews

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  • Name: David R.
    Job Title: Sales agent
    Length of product use: 6-12 Months
    Used How Often?: Monthly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 26 - 99
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    After using ActivePipe, Moxi . . .

    Date: Dec 21 2023

    Summary: Now that ActivePipe has been bought by Moxi, either things will get better or more probably nothing will improve.
    As an Apple person, none of Moxi's construction makes any sense whatsoever. Control, Alt Delete and those crappy Microsoft garbage.

    Positive: It's free at my brokerage . . . like a free turd, who wants it!! The absurd number of steps for a newsletter is mind-boggling.
    I guess MoxiWorks is a Russian LADA and ActivePipe the Rolls-Royce!!

    Negative: The user interface is awful. A true Time-Suck.
    After using ActivePipe in my previous brokerage Moxi has produced more bad words and wasted time than I thought was possible in 2023!!

  • Name: Lynn W.
    Job Title: Marketing Manager / Windle Group
    Length of product use: 6-12 Months
    Used How Often?: Weekly
    Role: User
    Organization Size: 1 - 25
    Likelihood to Recommend to Others
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Very poorly designed

    Date: Feb 21 2023

    Summary: It's horrible. I spent 1/2 day trying to send out a single email blast. That is too much time. It eats into other prospecting activities. Customer support doesn't even know how the product works. They just keep sending screen shots that don't answer the question. I managed to set up a date campaign that actually worked, but I've had an interval campaign "running" for 10 days and ever sent out an email. Moxi Present is just PowerPoint in 1999. I have to build so much of the presentation in ppt and pull it in, that I might as well just just PPT. And the CMA function isn't always accurate. The website function is a joke. You are 100% flying blind. You have no idea what you are doing or what it looks like until you publish. I haven't even bothered with MoxiImpress.

    Positive: It does have some useful features in MoxiEngage such as the "stay in the flow." The dashboard in MoxiEngage is about the only useful tool in this suite.

    Negative: It's not user friendly. It's not intuitive at all. It takes 12 actions to set up a single email, actions that make no logical sense. You have to build your content outside of the app then figure out how to pull it in. Then you have to put it emails, my emails and then figure out how to put it into an email blast or a campaign, which MoxiWorks doesn't differentiate. It has no restore option if something is accidentally deleted. Moxi Present is just a bad rip off of PowerPoint.